El caso
del cantante de rock
Nico se enfrenta a su primer caso: el secuestro del cantante de una
banda de rock. Su representante artístico acude a él tras
recibir las exigencias de los malhechores. Las rencillas motivadas por
recelos económicos y profesionales de los integrantes del grupo,
los mafiosos manejos de un gerente de discotecas y la inoportuna presencia
de un policía obstinado, le complicarán la tarea. Nico
logrará resolver el rompecabezas a partir de un detalle aparentemente
Buenos Aires.
Case of the Rock Singer
Nico faces his first case:
the kidnapping of a rock singer. His artistic proxy cames to look for
Nico´s help after receiving the rescue demands from the kidnappers.
Several factors will complicate Nico´s task: the economic and
professional distrust causing quarrels among the members of the rock
group, the tricky stratagems of a discoteques manager and the inopportune
presence of a stubborn police. In spite of his inexperience, Nico will
resolve the puzzle thanks to an apparently insignificant detail.
Alfaguara. Buenos